Our story begins with the familiar Dark Shadows theme minus the waves crashing against the rocks. Immediately the camera pans inside Collinwood, where we find GOVERNESS Maggie Evans (Kathryn Leigh Scott) FRANTICALLY looking for her CHARGE, David Collins (David Henesy). However, David does not want to be found, PLAYING another one of his PRACTICAL jokes. Maggie EQUIPPED with a FLASHLIGHT decides to go out onto grounds looking for David.
Maggie enters the Collinwood stable, where she runs into handyman, Willie Loomis ( John Karlen). Maggie REMINDS Willie, who is playfully PAWING her, to keep his hands to himself. Willie tells Maggie that he hadn't seen David, but he has found an OLD BOOK that tells where the MISSING JEWELS are. Suddenly Roger Collins (Louis Edmonds) appears instructing Willie to get a flashlight and help look for his son David. When Willie refuses, Roger DISCHARGES him from his employment at Collinwood.
Willie doesn't care that he's lost his job, because he about to get the big "Pay Off" when he finds those MISSING JEWELS. Willie enters the Collins Family MAUSOLEUM, where finds a COFFIN bound with CHAINS. Meanwhile, Maggie is still SEARCHING for David. She come to the ORIGINAL Collinwood MANSION now a ABANDON let to RUIN, known as the Old House. Maggie finds David there, only to be LOCKED in a room.
Back at the MAUSELEUM, Willie manages to BREAK the CHAINS and open the CRYPT. Instead of finding the MISSING JEWELS, Willie has AWAKENED the VAM[IRE, Barnabas Collins. Following the traditional vampire formula, Willie becomes the "RENFIELD" of the story as the unwilling slave to Barnabas.
At Collinwood, We meet the MATRIARCH of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (Joan Bennett) who is DISMISSING her attractive ASSISTANT Daphne Budd (Lisa Blake Richards) for the day. Elizabeth offered to send her home in a car, but Daphne drove. Silly girl, you should have taken the chauffeured ride home. Dressed in a bright RED coat, Daphne tries to make her way to her car, down a very long, long footpath. The sound of a HOWLING wolf makes Daphne uneasy. Daphne SENSES that she is NOT ALONE, that someone or something is STALKING her. Daphne is right, we see his legs and CANE following from the nearby woods. Daphne decides to make a break for it, RUNNING HEADLONG to her car. Daphne makes it INSIDE the car, but when she tries to lock the passenger door. Someone opens the door and starts to STRANGLE Daphne.
Later Daphne STAGGERING about HALF DEAD , was nearly run over by Maggie's boyfriend Jeff Clark ( Roger Davis). Jeff DISCOVERS that Daphne had two BLOODY puncture WOUNDS in her NECK and was still alive. He immediately brings her back to Collinwood. Thankfully, there's a doctor in the house. Dr. Julia Hoffman ( Grayson Hall) who's on sabbatical researching the Collin family history. According to the novelization of the film, Daphne dies under Dr. Hoffman 's care. The film never discloses Daphne 's fate one way or the other.

Barnabas Collins decides to pay a SOCIAL CALL to his LONG-LOST RELATIVES. Barnabas ANNOUNCES that he is the DESCENDANT of original Barnabas. Everyone cannot believe the UNCANNY RESEMBLANCE Barnabas bears to the Barnabas Collin who died 150 years ago. Barnabas presents his Cousin Elizabeth with a priceless heirloom. The "Missing Jewels", a necklace once belonged to the original Barnabas 's mother Naomi Collins. After such an elaborate gift, Elizabeth and her brother Roger grant Barnabas 's request to move into the Old House.
Elizabeth's daughter Carolyn Stoddard (Nancy Barrett) becomes very INTRIGUED with her LONG LOST ANCESTOR, Barnabas. Especially, after recognizing his ring which was worn by Willie 's mysterious dinner companion at the Collinsport Inn. Elizabeth decides to pay her cousin IMPROMPTU VISIT at the Old House. Carolyn searches through the house before she runs into Willie. Before curiosity kills the cat, Willie tries makes excuses for the absence of his employer, while trying to usher Carolyn out the front door. But before Carolyn could leave, Barnabas materializes.
That same evening before The Ball hosted by his cousins Elizabeth and Roger in his honor, Barnabas VISITS Carolyn, while she was getting ready for the ball. Next time we see Carolyn, she wearing a silk SCARF around her NECK, concealing the PUNCTURE MARKS on her NECK.
Barnabas gets the feeling of DEJA VU with the Governess Maggie Evans, because of her UNCANNY RESEMBLANCE to his LONG-LOST LOVE, Josette DuPres. What suppose to be Maggie's last night at Collinwood, Maggie makes a HASTY decision to keep her employment influenced by Barnabas. Carolyn becomes JEALOUS over Barnabas's infatuation with Maggie.
Willie ESCORTS the HALF DEAD Carolyn dripping with blood back to Collinwood. Willie WARNS her to never to return to the Old House or Barnabas will kill her. Carolyn does makes it inside Collinwood by herself, only to die in the foyer.
Carolyn is buried in the Collins Family Mausoleum. Dr. Hoffman is compelled to solve the murders of Carolyn and Daphne. While analyzing both women's blood samples, Dr. Hoffman discovers they both contain the same unknown virus. Dr. Hoffman wonders if Professor Stokes's wild ACCUSATIONS are true, is there a VAMPIRE in the mist, who is responsible for MURDERS of Carolyn, Daphne and others in Collinsport?
Distraught over his cousin's death, David seeks solace down at his favorite hiding place, the old swimming pool. It is there where David hears his Cousin Carolyn CALLING his name over and over. David follows the sound of the voice until he is confronted with Carolyn, who EMERGES from the shadows. David can't believe his eyes, that Carolyn has COME BACK from the DEAD. He begins to feel a sense of DANGER, that Carolyn would try to HURT him, and runs away back to Collinwood.
Once at Collinwood, David tells his HARROWING experience to everyone at the dining room. But no one believes David, that he saw Carolyn ALIVE. Only Professor Stokes (Thayer David) BELIVES David, who tries to CONVINCE everyone at the table that Caroline is one of the UNDEAD, a VAMPIRE. No one can CONCIEVE it that to be true, especially Carolyn's mother Elizabeth who dismisses herself from the table in disgust.
Later Carolyn's Boyfriend Todd (Don Briscoe) decides to see for himself if his DECEASED girlfriend is one of the UNDEAD. At the Collins Mausoleum, Todd is REUNITED with Carolyn who has COME BACK from the DEAD. Carolyn tells Todd not be FRIGHTENED as she closes in on him, BARING her FANGS. As Carolyn WRAPS her ARMS around Todd, she quickly SINKS her FANGS into his NECK.
Next Morning, Todd was FOUND at the cemetery barely CONSCIOUS. He was brought to Collinwood for Dr. Hoffman to treat him. That evening Barnabas greets Carolyn as she rises out of her coffin to forbid her to ever see Todd again. Carolyn refuses to give Todd up saying " I want him and I'm going to have him." Barnabas puts Willie on VAMPIRE WATCH, making sure Carolyn doesn't go out.
Next Morning, Todd was FOUND at the cemetery barely CONSCIOUS. He was brought to Collinwood for Dr. Hoffman to treat him. That evening Barnabas greets Carolyn as she rises out of her coffin to forbid her to ever see Todd again. Carolyn refuses to give Todd up saying " I want him and I'm going to have him." Barnabas puts Willie on VAMPIRE WATCH, making sure Carolyn doesn't go out.
Barnabas goes to Collinwood to offer his CONDOLSCENES to his cousin Elizabeth. But the grief-stricken Elizabeth was just given a sedative by Dr. Hoffman. While talking with his cousin Roger and Jeff, Barnabas's IDENITY is EXPOSED. Dr. Hoffman DISCOVERED while looking in her compact MIRROR, that Barnabas cast NO REFLECTION.
When Barnabas returns to the Old House, he FINDS Willie in Carolyn's COFFIN with his THROAT dripping BLOOD from his NECK. Carolyn had left the Old House.A TRAP is set using Todd as BAIT to LURE Carolyn OUT into the open. Carolyn SUMMONS Todd to come to her. Todd ESCAPES Collinwood and MEETS Carolyn in the stable. The police find Carolyn FEEDING on Todd. Carolyn is RENDERED HELPLESS as everyone charges toward her BARING CROSSES. Swiftly Carolyn is PINNED DOWN for Professor Stokes can DESTROY her. Todd tries to help Carolyn but is held back. After Professor drove the WOODEN STAKE in Carolyn's HEART, she was RELEASED from roaming the earth as one of the UNDEAD.
The next night, Dr. Hoffman arrives at the Old House, to see Barnabas with a PROPOSAL to CHANGE him into a NORMAL human being. But before Dr. Hoffman would divulge the details, she WHIPS OUT a CRUCIFIX and states that she wants Barnabas's word not to kill her, but hear her out. Barnabas agrees. Dr. Hoffman tells Barnabas that she has done a great deal of RESEARCH on his victims. She further states that there is a destructive cell in his blood. which she has isolated it and destroyed it. Dr. Hoffman believes that she can help Barnabas achieve a NORMAL LIFE. Barnabas tells Dr. Hoffman that he hasn't seen the SUNLIGHT in almost 200 years and is ready to begin treatment. Dr. Hoffman does a series of injections to destroy the VAMPIRE cell in Barnabas bloodstream.
Barnabas WLAKS in the SUN once again, after several days taking Dr. Hoffman's injections. Barnabas begins spending more time with Maggie to Willie's dismay. Barnabas gives Maggie an old music box that once belongs to his lost love Josette. Willie is afraid for Maggie's safety that Barnabas will do the same thing to her that he did to Carolyn. Willie begs Barnabas to stay away from her, but he doesn't listen.
The next day, Willie runs over to Collinwood begging Maggie to leave Collinwood but is afraid to tell her the truth. That evening Barnabas finds out that Willie tried to warn Maggie and beat him with his cane for betraying him. Barnabas also finds that Willie tipped off Professor Stokes about his identity. That morning, Professor Stokes visits that Old House to find his informer Willie has been beaten and afraid to speak against his master. Professor Stokes was taken back when Barnabas came down the stairs to greet him after Willie had out him as a VAMPIRE.
Professor Stokes DISCOVERS that Dr. Hoffman is behind why Barnabas is able to come out into the DAYLIGHT without being DESTROYED. He also UNCOVERS her motivation was that she is IN LOVE with Barnabas. After seeing how close Barnabas and Maggie have become, Dr. Hoffman feels REJECTED. Then after Barnabas CONFESSES to her, that he is going to MARRY Maggie, it becomes too much to bear. Dr. Hoffman decides to SABOTAGE his next INJECTION, thinking if she can't have him no one will.
After Dr. Hoffman APPLIED his next INJECTION, she heads back to her room to pack. But only to be followed by Barnabas, who is become quite troubled that something is happening inside of him. Barnabas sees that Dr. Hoffman packing, sensing that he has been BETRAYED. Dr. Hoffman begins screaming "Barnabas, your Face !!!". Barnabas TRANSFORMS into a HIDEOUS old man and STRANGLED Dr. Hoffman.
After hearing Dr. Hoffman 's SCREAM for help, Maggie BURST into the room. Maggie couldn't believe her eyes a HIDEOUS old man hovering over the DEAD BODY of Dr. Hoffman. Maggie tried to ESCAPE from the room, but Old Barnabas was UPON her. Maggie SCREAMED for help ALERTING Elizabeth in the next room. Elizabeth swiftly appeared in the doorway, screaming after witnessing Old Barnabas FEEDING on Maggie. Elizabeth ran for her life, out of the room. Before Barnabas would exit, he VOWED to COME BACK for his Josette.
Barnabas RETURNS to Collinwood for some MORE of Maggie's BLOOD, which transforms Barnabas back. When Jeff goes to check on Maggie, he DISCOVERS that she has been taken. Later that night, Jeff would receive a message from Professor Stokes and Roger to meet them at St. Eustace Island. When Jeff ARRIVES on the island, he is ATTACK by Professor Stoke, who's been turned into a VAMPIRE by Barnabas. After a struggle, Jeff OVERPOWERS Professor Stokes and KILLS him.
Jeff makes his way to the old ABANDON castle on the island. Once inside, Jeff DISCOVERS Roger Collins UNCONSCIOUS in a chair, with PUNCTURE MARKS on his NECK. Taking no chances, Jeff decides to FINISH OFF Roger, instead of dealing with him, later trying to FEED on him.
Jeff FINDS Maggie in a CATATONIC state, dressed in a wedding gown. Willie is there beside Maggie, pleading with Jeff to leave and not come back. Fearing Barnabas's wrath, Willie knocks Jeff unconscious. Unwillingly Willie ESCORTS Maggie to the castle's alter where Barnabas awaits for his bride.
Jeff REGAINS consciousness, without a second to lose follows Willie's trail to the altar. Equipped with a CROSSBOW, Jeff waits for the perfect shot to DESTROY Barnabas. After Barnabas placed Maggie on the Alter, Jeff decides to take the shot. Suddenly, Willie notices Jeff and runs into the CROSSFIRE to SAVE Barnabas, receiving CROSSBOW BOLT into his back. Barnabas pulls the BOLT from Willie, who lies DYING on the floor.
Barnabas LOOKS UP and sees Jeff with the CROSSBOW in his hand. Under Barnabas's INFLUENCE, Jeff DROPS the CROSSBOW and then JOINS the wedding procession. Barnabas INFORMS Jeff that he will be a WITNESS, because every WEDDING needs a WITNESS. Jeff watches helplessly, as Barnabas leans forward to turn his bride into a VAMPIRE. But before he could SINK his FANGS into Maggie's neck, the HALF- DEAD Willie manages to get up on his feet.
Willie DRIVES a CROSSBOW BOLT into Barnabas's back. Barnabas then STRANGLES Willie to DEATH. All of a sudden, Jeff's hypnotic trance is broken, he then finishes what Willie had started by driving the bolt further reaching Barnabas's heart, which ultimately DESTROYS him. Jeff REVIVES Maggie and carries her away from the altar. The finale has Barnabas's CORPSE turning into a BAT flying away with the anticipation of a SEQUEL.
Barnabas WLAKS in the SUN once again, after several days taking Dr. Hoffman's injections. Barnabas begins spending more time with Maggie to Willie's dismay. Barnabas gives Maggie an old music box that once belongs to his lost love Josette. Willie is afraid for Maggie's safety that Barnabas will do the same thing to her that he did to Carolyn. Willie begs Barnabas to stay away from her, but he doesn't listen.
The next day, Willie runs over to Collinwood begging Maggie to leave Collinwood but is afraid to tell her the truth. That evening Barnabas finds out that Willie tried to warn Maggie and beat him with his cane for betraying him. Barnabas also finds that Willie tipped off Professor Stokes about his identity. That morning, Professor Stokes visits that Old House to find his informer Willie has been beaten and afraid to speak against his master. Professor Stokes was taken back when Barnabas came down the stairs to greet him after Willie had out him as a VAMPIRE.
Professor Stokes DISCOVERS that Dr. Hoffman is behind why Barnabas is able to come out into the DAYLIGHT without being DESTROYED. He also UNCOVERS her motivation was that she is IN LOVE with Barnabas. After seeing how close Barnabas and Maggie have become, Dr. Hoffman feels REJECTED. Then after Barnabas CONFESSES to her, that he is going to MARRY Maggie, it becomes too much to bear. Dr. Hoffman decides to SABOTAGE his next INJECTION, thinking if she can't have him no one will.
After Dr. Hoffman APPLIED his next INJECTION, she heads back to her room to pack. But only to be followed by Barnabas, who is become quite troubled that something is happening inside of him. Barnabas sees that Dr. Hoffman packing, sensing that he has been BETRAYED. Dr. Hoffman begins screaming "Barnabas, your Face !!!". Barnabas TRANSFORMS into a HIDEOUS old man and STRANGLED Dr. Hoffman.
After hearing Dr. Hoffman 's SCREAM for help, Maggie BURST into the room. Maggie couldn't believe her eyes a HIDEOUS old man hovering over the DEAD BODY of Dr. Hoffman. Maggie tried to ESCAPE from the room, but Old Barnabas was UPON her. Maggie SCREAMED for help ALERTING Elizabeth in the next room. Elizabeth swiftly appeared in the doorway, screaming after witnessing Old Barnabas FEEDING on Maggie. Elizabeth ran for her life, out of the room. Before Barnabas would exit, he VOWED to COME BACK for his Josette.
Barnabas RETURNS to Collinwood for some MORE of Maggie's BLOOD, which transforms Barnabas back. When Jeff goes to check on Maggie, he DISCOVERS that she has been taken. Later that night, Jeff would receive a message from Professor Stokes and Roger to meet them at St. Eustace Island. When Jeff ARRIVES on the island, he is ATTACK by Professor Stoke, who's been turned into a VAMPIRE by Barnabas. After a struggle, Jeff OVERPOWERS Professor Stokes and KILLS him.
Jeff makes his way to the old ABANDON castle on the island. Once inside, Jeff DISCOVERS Roger Collins UNCONSCIOUS in a chair, with PUNCTURE MARKS on his NECK. Taking no chances, Jeff decides to FINISH OFF Roger, instead of dealing with him, later trying to FEED on him.
Jeff FINDS Maggie in a CATATONIC state, dressed in a wedding gown. Willie is there beside Maggie, pleading with Jeff to leave and not come back. Fearing Barnabas's wrath, Willie knocks Jeff unconscious. Unwillingly Willie ESCORTS Maggie to the castle's alter where Barnabas awaits for his bride.
Jeff REGAINS consciousness, without a second to lose follows Willie's trail to the altar. Equipped with a CROSSBOW, Jeff waits for the perfect shot to DESTROY Barnabas. After Barnabas placed Maggie on the Alter, Jeff decides to take the shot. Suddenly, Willie notices Jeff and runs into the CROSSFIRE to SAVE Barnabas, receiving CROSSBOW BOLT into his back. Barnabas pulls the BOLT from Willie, who lies DYING on the floor.
Barnabas LOOKS UP and sees Jeff with the CROSSBOW in his hand. Under Barnabas's INFLUENCE, Jeff DROPS the CROSSBOW and then JOINS the wedding procession. Barnabas INFORMS Jeff that he will be a WITNESS, because every WEDDING needs a WITNESS. Jeff watches helplessly, as Barnabas leans forward to turn his bride into a VAMPIRE. But before he could SINK his FANGS into Maggie's neck, the HALF- DEAD Willie manages to get up on his feet.

HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) was based on the ABC Gothic Soap created by Dan Curtis. The film would be the FIRST motion picture based on a daytime soap opera.
HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) was filmed at Lyndehurst Estate in Tarrytown, New York.
Screenwriter Sam Hall along with Gordon Russell wrote the script to HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS. Hall was known for writing for daytime soap operas such as DARK SHADOWS (1967 -1971) and ONE LIFE TO LIVE (1978 -1984). Hall was married to Actress Grayson Hall who played Dr. Julia Hoffman. They remained married until Grayson's death in 1984 at the age of 62 of lung cancer. Hall died 29 years later at the age of 93.
David's fake HANGING scene was deleted from the film in fear that children would try to replicate it.
According to Famous Monsters of Filmland, there was suppose to be a sequel to HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) called THE CURSE OF DARK SHADOWS. But when the project was greenlighted, Jonathan Frid had moved on to other endeavors. Joan Bennett declined to reprise her role as Matriarch Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.
After playing Roger Collins on DARK SHADOWS (1966 -1971), Louis Edmonds would play Langley Wallingford on ALL MY CHILDREN (1979 -1992).
After Jonathan Frid declined to return, Dan Curtis decided to focus the sequel on another character apart of DARK SHADOWS, on Barnabas's nemesis Angelique (Lara Parker) in NiGHT OF DARK SHADOWS (1971)
" The Madonnas rest high above. The Lion's head watches the dove. And in the womb beneath the hill. A blazing light grows bright and still.
Barnabas : " You are NEVER to go near Todd again."
Carolyn : " I WANT him and I'm gonna HAVE Him. I NEED him."
Barnabas: " Not only are you to leave Todd alone. You do not touch anyone else at Collinwood. Is that clear."
"Vampirism is not a disease. Vampires are the Living Dead."
" I can CHANGE you. I can make you into a NORMAL human being."
"Every wedding needs a witness. and you will be the witness to this one.
" Your Portrait doesn't do you any justice. You are so much more HANDSOMER in PERSON ."
"I'm telling you, my BLOOD is no good. I DRINK EXCESSIVELY and SMOKE MARIJUANA."
"See going out into the DAYLIGHT is GOOD for VAMPIRES."
THE CAST : Jonathan Frid (Barnabas Collins), Joan Bennett (Elizabeth Collins Stoddard), Grayson Hall ( Dr. Julia Hoffman),Katherine Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans), Roger Davis (Jeff Clark), Nancy Barrett (Carolyn Stoddard), John Karlan (Willie Loomis), Louis Edmonds (Roger Collins), David Hensey (David Collins), Thayer Davis (Professor Stokes), Don Briscoe (Todd Blake), Dennis Patrick ( Sheriff Peterson), Lisa Blake Richards (Daphne Budd), Barbara Carson (Mrs. Johnson).
MY BOTTOM LINE : HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) is an above average entry in the VAMPIRE genre. Dan Curtis BANISHED the RESTRAINS
he had for his TV gothic soap opera DARK SHADOWS for his UNCOMPROMISING theatrical version. Curtis ABOLISHED the televisionTABOOS and chose to follow the path of HAMMER FILMS with GORE and BLOODY vampire bites.
Apparently, Curtis clearly didn't think of his TV AUDIENCE, which consisted of housewives and children, who watch the program after school. I know I was one of them. I watched DARK SHADOWS on my grandmother's black and white televison set. My parents took me to Pine Island Drive-in to see HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) when I was six. I remember SCREAMING uncontrollably that we had to leave the drive-in. My mother told me, that I had a hard time sleeping at night, I would raise my blanket up to around my neck for weeks.
DARK SHADOWS was just another daytime SOAP OPREA, it was a PHENOMENON that marketed merchandise towards children and teens with comic books, bubble gum cards, and a board game. Perhaps, Dan Cutis should have taken the UNIVERSAL MONSTERS approach, showing less is more.If Curtis had taken this approach with HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970), the series would not have been BOYCOTTED by parents, who thought the film was too VIOLENT. In comparison of VAMPIRE films being made today, HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) is rather tame. I recommend HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) to anyone who enjoys a good horror film, especially with vampires.
Pine Island Drive-in
Manchester , New Hampshire.
Jonathan Frid posing as Barnabas Collins in a publicity photo.
Jonathan Frid & Katherine Leigh Scott in a production still of HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970).
February /1971 issue of FAMOUS MONSTER OF FILMLAND .
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