Friday, October 27, 2017

DRACULA (1931)

Bela Lugosi first portrayed the bloodthirsty Count Dracula on Broadway for 261 successful performances in 1927. Then between 1928 to 1930, Lugosi continued with the production touring the United States. The play was written by Hamilton Deane and John Balderston, which was loosely adapted from the literary masterpiece by Bram Stoker. When Universal Pictures purchased the rights of the play in 1927, Bela Lugosi was not the first choice for the role of Dracula instead it was Lon Chaney. But as fate would have Chaney passed away in 1930 and Lugosi was able to reprise the role on to the big screen. Lugosi was paid $500.00 a week for a seven-week shooting schedule, which was considered meager by Hollywood standards, even in the depression era.

Lugosi would go on to reprise his iconic role only one more time in the screwball comedy ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN (1948), which would be Lugosi last A-list film. Lugosi 'career declined rapidly into the skids of obscure low budget films. Instead of reinventing himself, Lugosi clung on to his typecast persona as the bloodthirsty count. He continued to act and dress as his signature role in his personal life. When Lugosi passed away, he requested to be buried wearing his trademark vampire cape.

 Our film opens with Act 2 of Swan Lake, which dramatically prepare us for the journey on a stagecoach filled with passengers climbing up the mountainside. Among the passengers is Renfield (Dwight Frye) who has traveled a long way to meet his employer, Count Dracula. The villagers implore Renfield not to continue on to Castle Dracula. But Renfield dismisses their warnings as local superstitions and goes to meet the carriage at midnight sent by Count Dracula. As the stagecoach continues on with Renfield being its only passenger up the mountainside. In the distance, we see Castle Dracula.

The next scene moves ahead, beyond the stagecoach, to inside the Castle Dracula. Down to the bowels of the castle lies four coffins which occupy the undead. Hands reaching out and then opening coffins creates the ambiance that prepares us for the coming out of Count Dracula ( Bela Lugosi) and his brides dressed in white. Then the howling sounds of wolves can be heard as it fills the air.

Renfield is quickly dropped off at Borgo Pass, where a carriage awaits. The driver bears a strong resemblance to Count Dracula. He never says a word, only points to Renfield to climb aboard. While aboard the carriage, Renfield leans out to speak to the driver only to discover, that the driver had vanished. His eyes widened with fear when he sees a BAT guiding the horses.

Once at Castle Dracula, Renfield learns that he was not dreaming that the driver had vanished into thin air. That moment Renfield could hear the creaking the castle door behind him opening inviting him in. With some reservation, Renfield climbs up the stairs into the looming castle. Inside the castle, Renfield was taken back by its present state of ruin, filled with cobwebs and critters roaming about. One could tell that the majestic castle had seen better days. The next question would come to mind, would be where was the staff? 

Silently, Count Dracula ( Bela Lugosi) makes his grand entrance in his dapper attire which includes a black tuxedo and cape. The only thing missing would be a top hat, but that would mess up his perfectly slicked backed hairstyle. Renfield was surprised when he turned around to see his employer. Count Dracula who was halfway down the staircase holding a candle says his infamous quote " I am Dracula... I bid you WELCOME."

Renfield follows Count Dracula to his appointed room. We learn that Renfield was sent secretly to deliver papers of the lease of Carfax Abbey and that Count Dracula had charted a ship to England, which would be leaving Transylvania tomorrow evening. Then Renfield accidentally receives a paper cut, trying to put away the important documents. Immediately Count Dracula is drawn to the blood spilling out of Reinfield's finger. But is saved by the crucifix that the village woman had insisted him in taking. But that won't stop Count Dracula the next time. Immediately after Dracula's departure, Renfield falls unconscious after an appearance of a BAT. Dracula's brides move in on the prey who lives helplessly on the floor but are quickly dismissed by Count Dracula. The bloodthirsty count shows his true colors as he crouches down to feed on Renfield.

Renfield now lives only to his serve his master Count Dracula, as they journey across the ocean to England on board The Vesta. Before the ship would dock in London, DEATH would descend upon its crew and its captain. Renfield would be the sole survivor found amongst the crew of corpses left behind by Count Dracula. Classified as a raving maniac, Renfield becomes patient under observation at Dr. Seward's Sanitarium. While Count Dracula is free to roam amongst the living in London. Dracula's next victim would be a poor flower girl who was unfortunate to be in his path of destruction.
After satisfying his hunger for human blood from the flower girl, Dracula decides to attend the theater. It is there where Count Dracula has his chance meeting with Dr. Seward (Herbert Bunston), who is the attending physician to Renfield. The Count would also meet his lovely daughter Mina ( Helen Chandler ) and her fiancée John Harker ( David Manners) and the beautiful Miss Lucy (Frances Dade) who is visiting them. We learn from Count Dracula that Dr. Seward's sanitarium is the adjoining property to where he is leasing Carfax Abbey

The next evening Count Dracula would pay Miss Lucy an unannounced social call in her boudoir. That what happens when you leave your bedroom window open for any BATTY intruder can fly in. The next day, Miss Lucy's dead body would be examined by a group of physicians who would notice the two same marks on her neck that resemble the other victims of the most recent killing. spree.
Edward Van Sloan brilliantly plays Dr. Van Helsing, a role that he originated on Broadway. Dr. Van Helsing has a theory that there a VAMPIRE behind all those recent unexplained deaths. But his colleagues are not buying into his native superstitions and folklore. Dr. Van Helsing also believes that Renfield is somehow linked to these unsolved cases. While assessing Renfield, Dr. Van Helsing learns that he had been talking to the wolves at night. To prove his theory, Dr. Van Helsing whips out some wolfbane causing Renfield to shrink back. Before Renfield is escorted back to his room, he gives the warning to be sent away or he cannot be responsible whatever happens to Miss Mina.

The next morning, Dr. Helsing overheard Miss Mina telling John about her bad dream she had last night. The dream consists of her bedroom filling with mist, that it was thick that she could only see two RED EYES staring at her. Then a white livid face came out the mist that came closer and closer. Then Mina became very upset, which prompt Dr. Helsing to her side. He questioned her about her dream and why she was wearing the silk scarf about her neck. Dr. Van Helsing persuaded Mina to remove the scarf, which reveal two puncture mark on her neck. The same mark that bare resemblance to the marks on Miss Lucy and the other victims. When Dr. Van Helsing inquired when she received the marks on her neck. Mina replied after her dream. Ironically, when John questioned his fiancée how she receives the marks, Count Dracula was announced into the room.

During Count Dracula's impromptu visit, an important aspect was revealed about the visitor to Dr. Van Helsing. The fact that Count Dracula does not cast a reflection in a mirror of a cigarette box, concludes that he is one of the undead. Which would mean that Count Dracula is VAMPIRE? But unfortunately, Count Dracula is aware that Van Helsing is unto him after Van Helsing tipped his hand exposing the mirror trick to him. After knocking the cigar box out of Van Helsing hand, Count Dracula politely excuse his behavior as not liking mirrors and that Dr. Van Helsing would explain. Then Count Dracula made his exit out to the patio.

After Count Dracula 's sudden exit, Dr. Van Helsing explains the principles of a vampire like it must drink from the living to survive, it's power only lasts from sunset to sunrise, during the day it must rest in the earth it was buried to Dr. Seward and John Harker. Then sinister laughter could from the behind the closed door, it was Renfield eavesdropping. Renfield encourages Dr. Seward to be guided by Dr. Van Helsing. Suddenly a maid ( Joan Standing)burst in the room telling them that Miss Mina was found unconscious on the grounds. Dr. Van Helsing, Dr. Seward, and John Harker ran to see Miss Mina, leaving the maid alone with Renfield. His sinister laugh must have got to the maid rendering her unconscious on the floor. Renfield then crawled across the floor to the prey that laid helpless before him. It's not certain what Renfield did to the maid, because the scene cuts out when he reaches her and she does appear later very much alive.

Miss Mina was found alive, but not out of danger. We also find out that Miss Lucy presumed dead and buried, is now one of the undead. She is the mysterious woman in white, who entices children and slightly bites them in the neck. Miss Mina told Dr. Helsing that she saw Miss Lucy when she was out on the terrace one evening. Miss Lucy came out of the shadows towards her looking like a hungry animal like a wolf. Then she turned back and ran into the night. Dr. Helsing promises Miss Mina that after tonight he will save Miss Lucy's soul from this horror. Miss Mina begs Van Hensling if the time comes she wants her soul saved as well. Miss Mina's bedroom room has been prepared with wolfbane to keep away the bloodthirsty Count.

When Count Dracula returned that evening,  he seeks out Van Helsing giving him the warning to go back to his own country. But Van Helsing was determined to protect the people, he would destroy. Count Dracula confessed that it was too late for Miss Mina because his blood now runs through her veins. Van Helsing threatens Count Dracula that he will kill him by driving a stake through his heart while resting in his coffin.

Count Dracula became outraged and held out his arm from his cape, pointing at Van Helsing.  Count Dracula demanded that Van Helsing come to him.  Van Helsing tried to stand his ground but felt himself being compelled against his will to comply. Van Helsing drew closer and closer, fighting against every step he took brought him closer to certain death. Suddenly, Van Helsing began to regain his own will defeating that of the bloodthirsty Count who stood before. Count Dracula complimented Van Helsing on his strong will and then started to lunge towards him. Van Helsing whipped out his crucifix which made Count Dracula drawback and retreat.

 Miss Mina became intolerable, making demands to her rid the wolf bane that would protect her life. Miss Mina clearly has lost her mind going against doctor orders, going out onto the terrace.  John tries to comforts Mina but is disturbed by a large bat that has been seen there before. Mina seems to be conversing with the bat. John then shoos the flying pest away. Mina then makes her move on John trying to bite his neck. Luckily, Van Helsing was able to rescue him from his bloodthirsty fiancée. Mina confesses to John that Count Dracula made her drink his blood.

Later that evening, Count Dracula compelled the Nurse to take down the wolfbane for he could enter Miss Mina 's bedroom. Dracula takes Miss Mina to Carfax Abbey. Renfield joins Dracula at Carfax Abbey with Van Helsing and John Harker following behind. But Dracula soon discovered that Renfield had been followed. Thinking that Renfield had betrayed him, Dracula kills him and throws his body down the stairs. Dracula makes haste carrying Miss Mina down to the cellar.  Mina's screams could be heard from the cellar. Van Helsing and John make their way to the cellar to save Miss Mina from a fate worse than death.

Suddenly they come across his and her coffins.  Van Helsing finds Count Dracula resting peacefully in his coffin, but the other is unoccupied. Where is Miss Mina? John goes searching for his bloodthirsty fiancée, while Van Helsing drives a stake into Count Dracula's heart. Every strike at the stake seems to render Miss Mina from Count Dracula's influence. Miss Mina was able to escape being apart of the undead because the daylight stopped Dracula from killing her. Which is the reason she was not able to occupy her coffin? The finale has the two lovebirds walking away without Van Helsing who remains behind. Maybe Van Helsing is waiting for Miss Lucy perhaps.

                                   FILM FACTS

Bette Davis was considered for the role of Mina, but Universal Head Carl Laemmle thought she lacked sex appeal.

Universal sent a memo to Director Todd Browning stating only scenes of Dracula attacking women would be allowed.  The studio wanted to void any perception of any Gay subtext.

Lon Chaney was originally chosen to play Dracula, however, he died in 1930 before the film went into production. His son Lon Chaney Jr. would later play Count Dracula's son Count Alucard in the second sequel SON OF DRACULA (1943).

Bela Lugosi would reprise his role as Dracula only one time in the spoof comedy ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN (1948). Lugosi would play Dracula - like characters in other films like RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE (1943) and PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE (1959).

The SPANISH version of DRACULA (1931) with Carlos Villarais was filmed at night on the same set at the same time.

Edward Van Sloan (Dr. Van Helsing) and Herbert Bunston ( Dr. Seward) were the only actors along with Bela Lugosi (Dracula) to reprise their roles from the original 1927 Broadway production of DRACULA  that ran 261 very successful performances.

DRACULA became the SIXTH most popular film of 1931.

Bela Lugosi was honored in U.S. Postal Stamp series in 1997.

The ORIGINAL shooting script has Dr. Van Helsing destroying  Lucy Weston when she has become one of the UNDEAD. The scene has Dr.Van Helsing bringing John Harker to the graveyard to prove that vampires exist. There they witness the not so dead  Miss Lucy walking into the mausoleum. Dr. Van Helsing pulls out a parcel and follows her with the intention of eliminating her. Strangely there was cut back to a scene with Dracula abducting Miss Mina. Which is quite unfortunate because the film introduces the fact that Miss Lucy has become vampire lurking in the shadows preying on small children. But the character never gets her demise as she does in other Dracula films that follow.


"Take this for your MOTHER'S SAKE ."

"I am Dracula "

" Listen to them, Children of the Night, What Music they make."

Dracula; " This is a very old wine. I hope you like it.
Renfield: " Aren't you drinking ?"
Dracula: " I NEVER drink wine."

Renfield: "Who WANTS flies?"
Martin: " You do, You Loonie  !!"

"To die, to be really DEAD. That must be GLORIOUS !!!"

" Come here !!!"

" My blood, now runs through her veins."

      " I am loyal to you MASTER, I am your SLAVE, I didn't betray you! Oh, no, don't KILL me! let me live, please, punish me, torture me. but let me live! I can't die with all those lives on my conscience. All that BLOOD on my hands !" 

"YOU are just what we been LOOKING for a HOT BLOODED MAN."

" You've put on some WEIGHT, since the last time I carried you!!"

                           THE CAST                  

Count Dracula ... BELA LUGOSI
              Renfield ... Dwight Frye
Dr. Van Henslig ... Edward Van Sloan
Dr. Seagrove ... Hebert Bunston
Miss Mina .... Helen Chandler
John Harker ... David Manners
Lucy Weston ... Frances Dade
Martin ... Charles K. Gerard
Maid ... Joan Standing

DRACULA (1931) is a classic horror masterpiece. Todd Manning raised the bar high with the first entry of the Universal Monsters. Many could have played Dracula, but I feel lacked the charisma that Bela Lugosi brought to his signature character. Lugosi embodied the role so much that it was hard to differentiate the actor from the character. Lugosi delivers his dialogue with such swagger like  " Listen to them, Children of the Night. What music they make." The film is filled with memorable quotes that make it enjoyable for continuous viewing and a Cult Classic. Some may find this film a period piece that doesn't quite hold to today 's standards of blood and gore. Frankly, I can do without the blood and gore. Unlike Christopher Lee and all the others who came after him, Lugosi played his bloodthirsty Count totally FANG FREE.  I highly recommend this film for those who appreciate horror classic films.




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