The daunting task came , when asking Turner to age through out the film to the age of 55. Age is only a state mind, so they say. But when you are asked to give up your looks , which has been the foundation of your career for sake of a role, What does one do ? Grin and bare it , be a happy camper and be willing to surrender all for the sake of your craft. Well, that is exactly what Lana Turner tried to endure while making MADAME X.
Turner found herself looking haggard for the first time in her career. No longer was she glamourized in the best hair, best make - up. best lighting and of course the expensive wardrobe for the latter half of the picture. The shocking transformation turned Turner into an antagonist , lashing out her frustrations towards her co-producer Ross Hunter and her forever and a day makeup man Del Armstrong. Turner was so traumatized by the experience, that she shrouded herself in a veil, when she had to leave her trailer to go to the set. By giving up her trappings of beauty that Hollywood had manufactured, Turner delivered the best performance of her career.
John Forsythe is known for his television roles like the voice of Charlie Townsend of CHARLIE'S ANGELS or Blake Carrington of DYNASTY rather than his film roles. In MADAME X (1966) Forsythe plays Diplomat Clay Anderson from prominent family of Fairview County , Connecticut, the upper crust of society. Along with his fortune, Anderson has political ambitions to be a senator than possibly President someday.
Our film opens with Clay ( John Forsythe ) returning home with his new bride Holly Parker ( Lana Turner) from the other side of the tracks. Holly's lower social standing was never an issue for Clay, but for Matriarch Estelle Anderson ( Constance Bennett) may be another story. Upon meeting her Daughter in Law for the first time, one can tell that Clay's momma doesn't approve. Maybe it because her son chose to elope. For now, Estelle chooses to take the high road , abiding her time for the day that she can rid herself and her son from this poor white trash.
Holly gets swept away with her new life as Mrs. Clay Anderson meeting all the right people which includes Rich Playboy Phil Benton ( Ricardo Montalban) of the bedroom set. At first , Phil seemed harmless enough, a flirt with eye for married women. Even when Clay introduced them, he never would imagine that his wife could find herself in a compromising position with the likes of Benton in the years to come.
Life seems to have been good to the Andersons, as the years roll by in a series of the flash forwards of newspaper clipping detailing the birth of their son Clay Jr, Clay's successes in his career, and now Clay Jr's fourth birthday . Now that we are now up to date, Clay returns home to spend Christmas with his family. Holly is happy to have her husband home again. But unfortunately it would be short lived, Clay receives a phone call on Christmas Day from the Secretary of State sending him to North Africia. Holly becomes frantic that her husband leaving her ALONE once again. Clay reminds Holly that he is close to getting what he wants, which is Washington. He also promises that she will be a senator's wife very soon. Clay takes the next plane out to North Africa that night.
Then one day, a box of roses arrives at the Anderson Mansion with a card marked 'MRS. ANDERSON". Apparently Estelle thought the roses were for her , but after reading the card which was from Phil Benton offering a night out to see Rogers and Hammerstein, she discovered they were not. After contemplating whether to accept the invitation or not, Holly calls Phil. After having such a good time, this married woman decides to keep seeing Phil going swimming. horseback riding, and dancing the rumba.
When Holly arrives home, she discovers that her husband is waiting for her. Clay asks his wife where she has been. Holly throws the question back to her husband. He accepts his wife's response as being fair. Clay tells Holly that he wants to kiss her but she seems so far away. Holly answers that it has been a long time. Clay tells his wife that he has wonderful news that he could get that nomination next election. He informs Holly that he wants her and Clay Jr. to join him in Washington . Clay started on going on about buying a house. But it was too much for Holly to bare. Holly started to confess to her husband about her involvement with Phil, but was immediately stopped. Clay advises his wife not to look back, but take it from here in the present. Holly agrees, then proceeded to tell her husband that she had been so lost lately and desperately needed to see him.
The next morning Clay leaves for Washington, but before he goes his mother advises her son not to let anything stand in the way of his career. Clay reminds Holly what he will be looking for as soon as he arrives in Washington, a red framed house in a middle of friendly block with good neighbors and lots of children.

After Holly announces to Phil that she will not be seeing him anymore, confessing her love for her husband. Phil gives his declaration of love for her, which came as a surprise, because Phil has a reputation not loving anyone. Phil tells Holly that he's not going to bow out gracefully and implores Holly not to leave him. Phil takes Holly in his arms , but she struggles to break free. Holly keeps repeating to Phil "It's over." After Phil forces a kiss upon her, Holly starts name calling and looking for the exit. Phil follows behind her, begging her not to leave. Holly pauses at the top of the staircase,to reach for her powder blue scarf. At that moment , Phil was reaching out for Holly, but somehow ends up tumbling down the staircase.
Holly stood back in horror, looking down at Phil's motionless body from the top of the staircase. Holly made her way down to body and turned him over. Holly gasped because she knew Phil was dead. Suddenly the phone rang, then someone started to pound the door trying to get in. Holly panicked, grabbed her coat and pocketbook, then slipped out the back way. Whoever was trying to get into Phil's penthouse, immediately does, sees Phil's dead body and spots Holly's powder blue scarf she left behind.
Once Home, Holly desperately tried to reach Clay, but he was tied up with political matters. Hopelessly Holly darted upstairs to disclose the situation with her mother in law. But to her dismay, Estelle was holding her powder blue scarf . Apparently Estelle had hired a private detective to follow her. Estelle had been briefed that Phil Benton was dead and accuse Holly of killing her lover. Now, Holly was seeing Estelle's true self , a fire breathing dragon lady who has nothing but contempt for her. Holly tried to plead with Estelle, but this monster in law had no empathy for her.
Estelle was in full on MOMMA BEAR MODE, protecting her son and her grandson from the scandal that would destroy the Anderson name. Estelle offers to help her adulteress daughter in law, if she agrees to give up her son and her grandson for all time. At first Holly dismisses her proposal, until Estelle persuades Holly to see that the scandal would destroy Clay's career, his reputation, and any happiness that Clay and her could ever have. Holly submits to her monster in law , agreeing to give her the DEATH OF HOLLY ANDERSON.
When Clay returns Holly's call, she tells him that they will be on the yacht all weekend and decided to get an early start. Holly tells her husband that he and Clay Jr. mean the world to her. Clay tells her that he had put a deposit on the house that he thinks she will love. Holly tells Clay if for any reason she doesn't make it to Washington, like if she was carried away by Indians or trampled on by wild elephants, that she wants him to take Clay Jr. to that house to live. Then suddenly their conversation was interrupted, when Holly's monster in law enters the room. Holly passes the phone to her for she could talk to her beloved son Clay. Estelle acts like nothing had happened.
While on the yacht, Estelle briefs Holly on her NEW LIFE with new passport and new name Elizabeth Miller, citizenship of Switzerland and that a sum of money will be deposited annually in a bank in Geneva. Estelle explains to Holly that she will well provided for as long she lives. The hardest part of leaving her old life behind, was saying goodbye to her son Clay Jr. Holly goes to tuck in her son to bed for the last time. She helps him with his bedtime prayer . Clay Jr asks his mother what does TO DIE mean. She explains that it means to go away to another life. Clay Jr. becomes frighten like he could sense that he was not going too see his mother ever again. He kept saying over and over "I miss you".
Tears streamed down Holly's face, as she held her child close trying to reassure him everything was gonna to be alright.
After Clay Jr. settled down and fell asleep. Holly joined her Monster in Law on the deck holding up her part of the bargain. Then through the fog, a row boat with two men came closer and closer to the yacht. Holly climbed aboard the rowboat, never looking back at Estelle. As the rowboat glided away from the yacht, Estelle never took her eyes of it, until it disappear from sight. Estelle was rid of Holly Anderson, once and for all. The rowboat brought Holly to steam ship that would take her out of the country.
The first thing that Holly does when she arrives to her new life is change her hair color from blonde to brunette. After leaving the beauty Salon, Holly passes a news stand and sees that Estelle didn't waste time announcing to the world the DEATH OF HOLLY ANDERSON. The headlines read Society Attends Services for Mrs. Clay Anderson : Lost Life At Sea. Holly begins travel and travel and travel some more to forget. But she can't forget them, still possessing photos of Clay and Clay Jr.Tears streamed down Holly's face, as she held her child close trying to reassure him everything was gonna to be alright.
After Clay Jr. settled down and fell asleep. Holly joined her Monster in Law on the deck holding up her part of the bargain. Then through the fog, a row boat with two men came closer and closer to the yacht. Holly climbed aboard the rowboat, never looking back at Estelle. As the rowboat glided away from the yacht, Estelle never took her eyes of it, until it disappear from sight. Estelle was rid of Holly Anderson, once and for all. The rowboat brought Holly to steam ship that would take her out of the country.
Then one day, Holly believes she sees her son standing outside of toy shop. She calls out to him and embraces him , but it was not Clay Jr. He was someone else's child. Holly was mortified and runs away. Holly walks for hours, then she begins to hear voices . Clay Jr's voice over and over saying " MOMMY, DON'T LEAVE ME." Holly starts to run headlong down the street sobbing, until she collapses in a snowbank. Sometime later, it begins to snow covering poor Holly who is still lying unconscious in the snow bank. Thankfully, a good Samaritan drives by and stops. He gets out and carries Holly into his car.

When Holly awakes, she is greeted by Christian Toben ( John Van Dreelen), the man who saved her life on Christmas Eve. But she is not thankful that she is still living. When Christian asked Holly , who may he contact. She tells him that she has no one. Christian answers That she does now and refers to Chinese adage stating that when you save a life, it belongs to you. Instead of being creeped out , Holly smiles back.
Weeks roll by providing time for Christian to fall madly in love with his damsel in distress as she as recovers from Pneumonia at his home. Holly gets caught up with the whirlwind courtship and begins enjoying life once again attending Christian piano concerts. But then Holly is reminded that she could never marry again, when Christian asks for her hand in marriage. Holly makes a clean break of it , and is back to traveling once again. But this time is different, Holly has taken to drinking to help her forget. Holly starts to go down a dark path, hanging out at smoky bar rooms and picking up men. Holly wakes up one morning robbed from one of her one night stands.
Holly begins to sink and lower and lower , every passing year. Now , a full fledged alcoholic staying at a low rent establishment making friends in low places. Holly meets her neighbor Dan Sullivan ( Burgess Meredith) who offers her drink across the hall in his room. Dan becomes interested in Holly, after he overheard her landlord that she will be paying the rent she owes in full in a few days. After singing Christmas carols, Holly starts to reminisce about her days living in Fairview , Connecticut as a Lady of the House... Mrs. Anderson. Dan starts to pump Holly for information, which she spills because she so drunk.
The next day Dan sends a western union to a friend to do some research on a Mrs. Anderson from Fairview , Connecticut. When Dan goes to check on "The Duchess", his nickname for Holly. He finds Holly trying to recant her ramblings by saying when she's drunk she gets a lot fancy ideas. But this con man is no fool, he can sense that she was a SOMEBODY once. His suspicions turn out to be true, after his contact sent him newspaper clippings with photos confirming that The Duchess could be the dead Mrs. Holly Anderson.
Dan brings The Duchess a bottle of Absinthe and has a proposition for her. He tells her that he wants make her respectable by buying new clothes and dying her hair use her as a front. Holly decides to play along, since Dan has paid her hotel bill and will be taking her to New York. After arriving in New York, Holly is transformed into a respectable lady once again. But, now Holly is beginning to see the light , when she sees that Dan has been reading Connecticut newspapers. Dan tells Holly that Governor Clay Anderson is in New York along with her kid. Holly denies that she ever had a child. Dan then encourages Holly to have a drink, that he likes her better drunk than sober. Holly answers back that likes the world drunk than sober for she can forgets its full of vermin.
That night, Holly overhears Dan talking to his associate that there was only one witness that saw Holly fall overboard, the Mother in Law, who could have had her own reasons and that the body was never recovered. Dan starts to make assumptions that her disappearance was planned. Holly then burst into room, pretending that it was Dan's idea for her pretend to be Mrs. Holly Anderson. Holly's efforts worked scaring off Dan's associate. Then it was time to stop Dan from RESURRECTING MRS. HOLLY ANDERSON. And she does by shooting Dan in cold blood.
The next day Dan sends a western union to a friend to do some research on a Mrs. Anderson from Fairview , Connecticut. When Dan goes to check on "The Duchess", his nickname for Holly. He finds Holly trying to recant her ramblings by saying when she's drunk she gets a lot fancy ideas. But this con man is no fool, he can sense that she was a SOMEBODY once. His suspicions turn out to be true, after his contact sent him newspaper clippings with photos confirming that The Duchess could be the dead Mrs. Holly Anderson.
Dan brings The Duchess a bottle of Absinthe and has a proposition for her. He tells her that he wants make her respectable by buying new clothes and dying her hair use her as a front. Holly decides to play along, since Dan has paid her hotel bill and will be taking her to New York. After arriving in New York, Holly is transformed into a respectable lady once again. But, now Holly is beginning to see the light , when she sees that Dan has been reading Connecticut newspapers. Dan tells Holly that Governor Clay Anderson is in New York along with her kid. Holly denies that she ever had a child. Dan then encourages Holly to have a drink, that he likes her better drunk than sober. Holly answers back that likes the world drunk than sober for she can forgets its full of vermin.
That night, Holly overhears Dan talking to his associate that there was only one witness that saw Holly fall overboard, the Mother in Law, who could have had her own reasons and that the body was never recovered. Dan starts to make assumptions that her disappearance was planned. Holly then burst into room, pretending that it was Dan's idea for her pretend to be Mrs. Holly Anderson. Holly's efforts worked scaring off Dan's associate. Then it was time to stop Dan from RESURRECTING MRS. HOLLY ANDERSON. And she does by shooting Dan in cold blood.
Upon the scene of the crime, the authorities found all traces of Holly's previous existence had been erased. Passport, documents, photos have been burned,nothing was left, that could identify this mysterious woman who being condemn for murder of Dan Sullivan. Holly does sign a confession to the murder with an X, which she becomes known to the public as Madame X. When Holly is indicted for murder, the court appointed her with an attorney , who turns out to be her grown up son Clay Jr ( Keir Dullea). Clay tries to help Holly, but she remains silent not willing to share her side of the story.
At home, Clay Jr. shares his thoughts about the mysterious Madame X with his father. He feels helpless that she just withdrawn and waiting to die. His father assures him that no one expects him to win his first case. Clay Jr. asks for his father advice to help Madame X. Clay convinces Clay Jr. to try Dan Sullivan for his own murder, who has a lengthy criminal past that includes Blackmail and Grand Larency.
The next day in the courtroom, Clay Jr. takes his father's advice by entering the plea NOT GUILTY, turning the tables making Madame X the victim instead the Murderess convicted of First Degree Murder. Among the spectators in the courtroom are Clay Anderson and his mother Estelle who have come to watch Clay Jr. in action. Clay Jr. begins to strike against her confession as that she was coherst under duress, being in the state of shock. Then Clay Jr. blows the lid off the character of the deceased exposing his criminal records to the jury, which he feels gives great barring to the case. and that his crimes were mainly directed towards women.
Holly become agitated when her sanity is questioned , which starts a courtroom battle between the two attorneys. Then Holly dramatically leaps forwards telling them to stop it and becomes hysterical . Estelle seems to recognize Madame X, and Clay as well. After Holly was administered an injection to calm her , Clay Jr. comes to her side imploring her to tell her side of the story. On her way back to the courtroom, Holly passing her husband who starts wonder if she is Mrs. Holly Anderson. Then for a moment after being seat , Holly got a glimpse of her husband. Holly can't believe her eyes , could that man be Clay. She keeps looking back him , that catches Clay attention. Then a bomb has been dropped, Holly becomes aware that her attorney is her own son Clay Jr.
Holly knows what she needs to do and demands to takes the witness stand. Clay Jr. unwillingly escort his client to witness stand without his council. Once sworn in, Madame X tells the court that she killed Dan Sullivan, because he found out she had a son and respectable family. Madame X continues to say that her family thought she was dead for more than twenty tears, which struck a cord with Clay, who bow his head down. Estelle starts to shed real tears not crocodile ones hearing Madame X knowing that she is really her lost Daughter in Law. Madame X injects once again that she killed Dan Sullivan from telling her son that she was alive and what she had become. She tells the court that she didn't have much to leave her son but an untarnished memory that is clean and good. Madame X confesses that she left her family because she wasn't suitable.
Clay Jr. tries to save his client from a certain death sentence , by still spinning the case of the evil deeds of Dan Sullivan. And that it was evil sins that killed him not Madame X. Clay Jr. starts to paint Madame X as a mother fighting to protect the life she conceived. He goes on say that if her son knew she was alive and knew what she had done to protect him. That he would not be ashamed of her , but would kneel and hold her dear to his heart. Clay Jr. pleads for her life, even though his client does not. When he returns to sit beside Madame X. Without saying a word, Holly looks upon her son with such admiration. When court adjourns, Holly gets up , but collapses in her son 's arm.
Clay Anderson wants to see Madame X, but is asks to wait. Clay tells his mother that he believes that Madame X is Holly. Of course , Estelle chooses to remain silent about the matter, afraid that she may loose both her son and her grandson in the process. Madame X asks to be alone with her attorney. She starts to ask him personal questions like how well he did school and so on. Clay Jr. tells Madame X to reach out to her son for he get have a chance to love her. Holly quickly rebuffs the question back to him, asking if he had a girl ? Clay Jr. answers Yes to Madame X's delight. Clay Jr. once again implores her, to contact her son, also injected that if he was her son he would want to know and for her not to make decisions for him. But she declines stating that its the only prerogative of motherhood she still possesses. Holly looks up at her son and says " For one day I had a SON ." then dies. Lana gives her heart wrenching performance in death scene, that will have the audience crying in the finale.
Clay Anderson witnessed the last moments his son shared with his mother. He reassures Clay Jr. that he 's going to win this case, but his son says it doesn't matter because Madame X is gone. Clay tells his son that it does matter more than he will ever realize. Which gives an indication that Clay doesn't plan to tell Clay Jr. that Madame X was his mother. Clay Jr, confesses to his father that he loved Madame X. "I don't know why, but I Loved her. From the moment I first saw her ... I loved her . and his father answers "I know". Sober music is played while Clay and Clay Jr leave together to hear the verdict. The camera pans back for we can see poor Holly for the last time,who died with the secret that would have become front page scandal.
At home, Clay Jr. shares his thoughts about the mysterious Madame X with his father. He feels helpless that she just withdrawn and waiting to die. His father assures him that no one expects him to win his first case. Clay Jr. asks for his father advice to help Madame X. Clay convinces Clay Jr. to try Dan Sullivan for his own murder, who has a lengthy criminal past that includes Blackmail and Grand Larency.
The next day in the courtroom, Clay Jr. takes his father's advice by entering the plea NOT GUILTY, turning the tables making Madame X the victim instead the Murderess convicted of First Degree Murder. Among the spectators in the courtroom are Clay Anderson and his mother Estelle who have come to watch Clay Jr. in action. Clay Jr. begins to strike against her confession as that she was coherst under duress, being in the state of shock. Then Clay Jr. blows the lid off the character of the deceased exposing his criminal records to the jury, which he feels gives great barring to the case. and that his crimes were mainly directed towards women.
Holly become agitated when her sanity is questioned , which starts a courtroom battle between the two attorneys. Then Holly dramatically leaps forwards telling them to stop it and becomes hysterical . Estelle seems to recognize Madame X, and Clay as well. After Holly was administered an injection to calm her , Clay Jr. comes to her side imploring her to tell her side of the story. On her way back to the courtroom, Holly passing her husband who starts wonder if she is Mrs. Holly Anderson. Then for a moment after being seat , Holly got a glimpse of her husband. Holly can't believe her eyes , could that man be Clay. She keeps looking back him , that catches Clay attention. Then a bomb has been dropped, Holly becomes aware that her attorney is her own son Clay Jr.
Holly knows what she needs to do and demands to takes the witness stand. Clay Jr. unwillingly escort his client to witness stand without his council. Once sworn in, Madame X tells the court that she killed Dan Sullivan, because he found out she had a son and respectable family. Madame X continues to say that her family thought she was dead for more than twenty tears, which struck a cord with Clay, who bow his head down. Estelle starts to shed real tears not crocodile ones hearing Madame X knowing that she is really her lost Daughter in Law. Madame X injects once again that she killed Dan Sullivan from telling her son that she was alive and what she had become. She tells the court that she didn't have much to leave her son but an untarnished memory that is clean and good. Madame X confesses that she left her family because she wasn't suitable.
Clay Jr. tries to save his client from a certain death sentence , by still spinning the case of the evil deeds of Dan Sullivan. And that it was evil sins that killed him not Madame X. Clay Jr. starts to paint Madame X as a mother fighting to protect the life she conceived. He goes on say that if her son knew she was alive and knew what she had done to protect him. That he would not be ashamed of her , but would kneel and hold her dear to his heart. Clay Jr. pleads for her life, even though his client does not. When he returns to sit beside Madame X. Without saying a word, Holly looks upon her son with such admiration. When court adjourns, Holly gets up , but collapses in her son 's arm.
Clay Anderson wants to see Madame X, but is asks to wait. Clay tells his mother that he believes that Madame X is Holly. Of course , Estelle chooses to remain silent about the matter, afraid that she may loose both her son and her grandson in the process. Madame X asks to be alone with her attorney. She starts to ask him personal questions like how well he did school and so on. Clay Jr. tells Madame X to reach out to her son for he get have a chance to love her. Holly quickly rebuffs the question back to him, asking if he had a girl ? Clay Jr. answers Yes to Madame X's delight. Clay Jr. once again implores her, to contact her son, also injected that if he was her son he would want to know and for her not to make decisions for him. But she declines stating that its the only prerogative of motherhood she still possesses. Holly looks up at her son and says " For one day I had a SON ." then dies. Lana gives her heart wrenching performance in death scene, that will have the audience crying in the finale.
Clay Anderson witnessed the last moments his son shared with his mother. He reassures Clay Jr. that he 's going to win this case, but his son says it doesn't matter because Madame X is gone. Clay tells his son that it does matter more than he will ever realize. Which gives an indication that Clay doesn't plan to tell Clay Jr. that Madame X was his mother. Clay Jr, confesses to his father that he loved Madame X. "I don't know why, but I Loved her. From the moment I first saw her ... I loved her . and his father answers "I know". Sober music is played while Clay and Clay Jr leave together to hear the verdict. The camera pans back for we can see poor Holly for the last time,who died with the secret that would have become front page scandal.
The Anderson Estate 's exteriors was filmed on location at 10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles, CA, which would become THE PLAYBOY MANSION six years later.
MADAME X (1966) was Constance Bennett 's final film. Unfortunately, Bennett died of a cerebral hemorrhage , before the film was released.
Two years later, Keir Dullea ( who played Clay Anderson Jr.) would star in the epic science fiction
2001 A Space Odyssey (1968).Producer Ross Hunter consider Virginia Grey to be his favorite actress. She appeared often in his productions like MADAME X (1966), PORTRAIT IN BLACK (1960), BACKSTREET (1961) in small roles.
" What's the difference between a Swiss Angel and a German Angel ?"
" Swiss Angels are THIN , German Angels are FAT !!"
" Oh , darling you must really keep in touch. Only bears hibernate, you know."
" If I were your husband, I wouldn't leave you alone so much."
" Anderson men are ambitious, Holly. They can't be changed and they can't be stopped. Anderson wives must learn to wait ."
Phil : " You are a real life human being. Clay's the blueprint of the Anderson Male."
Holly : " There can NEVER be anyone else for me. I realize that now"
" You're still a little shop girl from San Francisco, You've should have stayed on the other side of the counter."
Holly Parker Anderson ... LANA TURNER
Clay Anderson ... John Forsythe
Estelle Anderson ... Constance Bennett
Clay Anderson Jr. ... Keir Dullea
Phil Benton ... Ricardo Montalban
Dan Sullivan ... Burgess Meredith
Christan Dorben ... John Van Dreelen
Mimsy ... Virginia Field
Holly Parker Anderson ... LANA TURNER
Clay Anderson ... John Forsythe
Estelle Anderson ... Constance Bennett
Clay Anderson Jr. ... Keir Dullea
Phil Benton ... Ricardo Montalban
Dan Sullivan ... Burgess Meredith
Christan Dorben ... John Van Dreelen
Mimsy ... Virginia Field
is that MADAME X (1966) is a melodrama had its best. Unfortunately, slick glossy soap operas were going out of style by 1966. Movie goers were beginning find them dated and relics of the past. In my opinion, Ross Hunter films never go out of style. I just can't get enough of them like MAGNFICIENT OBSESSION (1954), IMITATION OF LIFE (1959), BACKSTREET (1961) and of course MADAME X (1966). These films were known as Women Pictures, who had heroines facing all kinds of life's challenges.
Lana Turner became the Queen of Melodramas after playing in many of these glossy soap operas. I would have to say that MADAME X (1966) would be the best one that showcases Lana's talent as an actress. Lana goes above and beyond in this role, surrendering her glamour girl looks to become a disgraced woman who has been destroyed by her sins. The witness stand scene alone should have guarantee Lana for an nomination for Best Actress. If you love Ross Hunter Productions, Glossy Soap Operas, chic costumes, Lana Turner (Queen of the Melodramas) then MADAME X (1966) is your kind of picture !